Episode 2 ~
Four Actions to Embrace Being Wrong
A Neuroplasticity Story
Welcome to Life Wide Open
The place to Live Extraordinarily
I’m Barb Earle and this is My NeuroScience Pearl.
Let me be clear on one thing
Embrace Being Wrong is not the judgmental/inner critic type of being wrong. I am talking about the wrong that has us stuck…. the deep, well-developed, strong pathways ingrained in our brain. It’s the thoughts, emotions and actions we keep repeating. The ones that are unfavourable and ineffective in our daily lives.
As a side note the title could read:’ Embrace Being Aware rather than Embrace Being Wrong. Before we take a closer look at the four actions here’s an important look at Neuroplasticity with this weeks’ …..

Brief NeuroScience Blast
Neuroplasticity is our brains’ remarkable ability to change its structure and function. Neuro refers to neuron, the basic working unit of our nervous system and brain. It’s a highly-responsive cell designed to receive and transmit information to other cells throughout our brain and body. Plasticity refers to the adaptability of our brain, much like plastic, in this case, plasticine. Neuroplasticity refers to the process of change which continues throughout our lifetime. Neurons establish links to each other to form neural pathways. Every time we think, feel or behave, a pathway begins to form. With continued use, pathways become effective, well-developed, strong and energy-efficient. With discontinued use pathways become weak and diminish. Our brain constantly creates, reorganizes, modifies and eliminates neural pathways. With focus, intention and attention we can help our brain with this process. Neuroplasticity is a great ally when we wish to change our habits. It’s also a great advantage when we wish to enrich our lives, become more effective and desire to learn new ways of thinking, feeling and doing. Like the ever-expanding, ever-changing, wonderment of a radiant starlit sky, the billions of neurons and their links expand our curiosity and understanding of what it means to be human.
Amazing isn’t it.
We have the power to change our thoughts. And this empowers Neuroplasticity. So how does one move ahead and change? Or create new thoughts and actions?
Follow these Four brain-friendly actions. I call it the Four Powerful Ps
Pause. Perspectives. Patient. Practise.

Action Number One ~ PAUSE
Utilize this space to stop and reflect. Notice the moment you see and feel an ineffective thought, emotion or behaviour.

Action Number Two ~ PERSPECTIVES
Explore them
It’s an empowering opportunity to see other possibilities and create new neural pathways.

Action Number three ~ PATIENCE.
Some pathways are well-worn and take time to diminish. New pathways also take time to become strong. This is the ‘humanness’ in You.

Action Number Four ~ PRACTISE
With commitment and persistence over perfection, your brain will produce the desired, effective pathway.
Practise develops and strengthens a new Perspective.
Harness the power of the Four Ps with neuroplasticity and redefine your way of thinking, feeling and doing. Learn new things, alter your habits, create the life you desire.
Take a Chance.
Make a choice.
See the change.
Neuroplasticity not only aspires us to choose an effective way of life, it welcomes our human nature with open arms.
Go ahead ~ Embrace Being Wrong.
Your Brain will Love the challenge and Your heart will love the outcome.
Tune in next week for
Episode 3 ~ The Keys to Neuroplasticity and Why Exercise is such a pain!
Until we meet in Person.
Brain to Brain.
Heart to Heart.
Barb Earle
Inspired and source ~ by Ann Betz & Ursula Pottinga ~ BEaboveleadership.com