Welcome to Life Wide Open
The place to life Extraordinarily
“It’s always helpful to learn from your mistakes because then your mistakes seem worthwhile.”
— Garry Marshall
Appropriate quote form the director who created the TV show: Happy Days. Appropriate because it is advantageous to make mistakes worthwhile. It’s actually good for the brain. And oh so good for the soul.
Check out this week’s BNB to find out why the brain loves mistakes.
Mistakes are an integral part of learning.
We try, fail, make the mistake, adjust and revise AND try again. New neural connections are strengthened and pruned during this process. As the mistake is adjusted and revised, the appropriate neural connection is reinforced. This is a crucial and natural step toward mastery of learning any thought, emotion or action. Learning from mistakes shapes behaviour, literally grows our minds and facilitates effective living.
Now and in the Future.
Being the creatures we are, there is a desire to continually learn, to increase the difficulty of the task. Daniel Coyle, who wrote The Talent Code, believes mistakes and working ‘at the edge of our abilities’ is key. This approach is a leading role in mastery of any skill or task. And if we find it too easy, it’s time to make more mistakes!
Take a chance. Make Mistakes. It benefits your brain and YOU!
We know why our brain loves mistakes.
What about our soul?
Perhaps it eases our soul knowing the brain finds mistakes useful. We grow and learn.
Mistakes are like portals to discovery. Something I am sure any soul would find exciting.
Mistakes enrich our souls with experience, wisdom, and humility.
They give us a chance to start over.
To change our way of thinking, feeling and doing.
And to change how we feel about mistakes
Mistakes give us the opportunity to face them.
And hopefully to be with the emotions that arise without judgment.
And the letting go of any idea which considers mistakes wrong.
Mistakes nourish our courage and bravery.
We fall,
We get up.
We adjust.
We learn
We move onward with a new view vision.
So Go Ahead.
Make Mistakes.
Enrich Your Soul.
Learn. Grow.
Make it Worth Your While.