Upcoming Life Wide Open Series Barb Earle & My NeuroScience Pearl Designed to Support You!
Hello Welcome to Life Wide Open
The Place to Life Extraordinarily
I am Barb Earle
This is the trailer for the upcoming Life Wide Open Series entitled
Barb Earle and my NeuroScience Pearl.
It will be aired every Monday. The debut is Monday, Oct. 5
It’s all about investigating how effective and ineffective we can be in our lives.
And the impact on ourselves and others.
How to integrate all the parts of our brain and heart in order to access all the information available to us.
I’m not talking about effective being more efficient so that we can ‘do’ more things. I’m talking about effective being more mindful, accountable and successful in the ways we think, feel and do.
And Yes, it’s about spending time with the less than appealing, ineffective thoughts, emotions and actions. And more so, what to do with them.
You’ll get a chance to practise a remarkable ability we all possess.
That is, to make powerful changes within our brain, body and within our heart.
As well, the ability to integrate all the parts of what makes us human. Giving us deeper access to choices in thoughts, emotions and actions.
As the name indicates this series is based in neuroscience.
But more than that it’s based on practical, applicable and easy to follow brain-friendly, heart-centered tools.
Perhaps now more than ever, we could all use tools which make life less stressful, more joyful.
Tuen in next Monday, Oct. 5 when the neuroscience magic begins.
The first episode is how to Exploit Stress in Four Steps.
Let’s do this together.
Join me next week when the neuroscience magic begins.
Until we meet in Person.
Brain to Brain.
Heart to Heart.