Our thoughts emotions and actions become deeply rooted neural connections in our brain and at times it seems we can’t change them. Yet our brain is capable of rewiring those connections. And our brain lets the ones we don’t desire to diminish and get weak.
But only if we work on creating new ones that are more effective.
Here are four ways to help you;
1. Decide which thought emotion or action you wish to change. (Hint: do this when you are calm and thinking clearly)
2. Determine at least one way or one new perspective with regard to your desired change. (Hint: write it down, give it a nickname, repeat an action or stand in a specific spot; do something that helps remind you of the new way of thinking and doing).
3. Pay attention to this new way of thinking or feeling every time the old way gets triggered. (Hint: keep going until you the new way takes over.)
4. Repeat often. (Hint: Let neuroscience of your brain and body do the rest.).
Until we meet in Person.
Brain to Brain.
Heart to Heart.