“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.” ― Patañjali (the ‘father of modern Yoga’)
1. Inversions/Decompression
The concept of inversion therapy has been around for thousands of years. It began with Hippocrates, ‘the father of medicine’ (450-385 BCE). Using gravity and a creative pulley system he developed effective spinal manipulation techniques. Current clinical studies show being upside down increases the space between your vertebrae. Your discs (the cushions between the vertebrae) re-hydrate and receive nourishment. A powerful antidote for the effects of gravity! Hippocrates knew inversions enhanced spinal health. We know Aerial Yoga can do the same with considerable more enjoyment!
For most people inversions in Aerial Yoga are accessible. With complete support from your hammock, there is no compression to your joints or spine. As well the tubular sheath, around the spine receives a healthy stretch which gives
2. Fascial Fitness
Fascia is responsible for your human shape. Pick up your skin and you will feel the first superficial layer of fascia. It’s a connective tissue which acts as a ‘net’ for your muscles, ligaments and tendons. The deeper layers of fascia cover your organs, nerves and cells. It’s also a sensory organ which assists with body perception. How? Fascia acts as a hydraulic system which contributes to every move you make. It generates mobility, stability and resiliency with your entire body.
Aerial Yoga enhances a healthy functional fascial system through traction and tension release in multi-directional angles. When the ‘fitness of your fascia’ is in good shape your body moves with greater ease. And with this comes a resiliency towards mental stress. Happy Fascia, Happy Life!
3. Acu-pressure
A tool to encourage your body’s natural ability to heal itself.
Stress can create muscle/fascial tension sometimes resulting in pain. Acupressure can be the antidote for this in several ways.
Specific trigger points respond to pressure releasing endorphins (neuro-chemicals) which reduce pain. It also promotes healthy nerve and cell functions. Fresh flow of oxygen infused blood assists the muscles/fascia to release tension. Acu-pressure allows your body to experience deep relaxation. In every pose the hammock can give you this experience. And you have full control over the amount of pressure. Relax your body, relax your mind, a very effective method for stress management!
4. Blood Pressure
Inversions can have a profound effect your blood pressure. How? More blood flows to your head causing blood pressure to increase.
Baroreceptors, the sensors in your blood vessels send this signal to your brain. A specific feedback transmits to the body and the parasympathetic nervous system activates. A relaxation effect takes place due to a lowered heart rate and tension release on blood vessels. Aerial Yoga activates your ‘rest & restore’ nervous system every time. Which promotes a healthy resiliency to daily stress.
5. Fun Factor
George Bernard Shaw once said,
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”
Aerial Yoga entices you to play. And play is joy, the place where past & future do not exist. It is the moment where you experience one of the foundational principles of Yoga; ‘Be in the Now”. In this instant your mind & body awareness heightens. You connect with yourself. You practise a tool that becomes available any time of your day, with or without the hammock. When you can create calm within chaos you help elevate the world. When they notice….tell them you ‘play’ with Aerial Yoga.