Hello. It’s Barb Earle Neurotransformational Coach and health and well-being expert on a mission to help you get to know your brain better and why it matters
Welcome to day 9 in this month’s special edition entitled
Four Steps Boost Mental Health and shift your perspective—pandemic related or not!
I call it the Four Ps:
Pause. Perspective. Practise. Patience.
How did it go yesterday? What perspective did you create? How did it move you away for the impact of stress?
Ready to dig a little deeper and reinforce this second step called perspective? Last Monday I mentioned that taking a pause brings you closer to the region of effective thinking. And, this shift causes an amino acid to release which calms down the impact of adrenaline caused by stress-related emotions. Like pepto-bismal for your brain.
The second question in this step of perspective does this same thing. Can you imagine? You can train your brain and body to shift from chaos to calm. I find that fascinating that we have this superpower. All it takes is practise.
The second question to dig deeper into perspective is
What other ways can I look at this?
Let your answers flow, let them be crazy and non-sensical. Sometimes a comic relief can be just the thing to help you see another perspective. Eventually, you’ll create a perspective that works for you. Keep in mind, the first question ‘What’s important here?’ steers you to new perspectives and this second question deepens the search. Question number two helps keep reasonable thinking online. And you get closer to re-evaluating and revising your situation.
Your mission today is to Pause and Seek a new Perspective.
Let the neuroscience of your brain and body do the rest.
Join me in my next post as we look at the third question in our quest to get a new perspective.
This is a brilliant brain • bold body break.
Until we meet in Person.
Brain to Brain.
Heart to Heart.